StockFetcher S&P500 1-2-3 Month Relative Strength code: set{Close1Mo, close - close 1 months ago} set{Ratio1Mo, Close1Mo / close 1 months ago} set{1Month, Ratio1Mo * 100} set{Close2Mo, close - close 2 months ago} set{Ratio2Mo, Close2Mo / close 2 months ago} set{2Months, Ratio2Mo * 100} set{Close3Mo, close - close 3 months ago} set{Ratio3Mo, Close3Mo / close 3 months ago} set{3Months, Ratio3Mo * 100} set{1and2Mo, 1Month + 2Months} set{1and2and3Mo, 1and2Mo + 3Months} set{Avg123Months, 1and2and3Mo / 3} apply to symlist SP500 close > 25 close < 300 and add column 1Month and add column 2Months and add column 3Months and add column Avg123Months --- StockFetcher Nasdaq-100 1-2-3 Month Relative Strength code: set{Close1Mo, close - close 1 months ago} set{Ratio1Mo, Close1Mo / close 1 months ago} set{1Month, Ratio1Mo * 100} set{Close2Mo, close - close 2 months ago} set{Ratio2Mo, Close2Mo / close 2 months ago} set{2Months, Ratio2Mo * 100} set{Close3Mo, close - close 3 months ago} set{Ratio3Mo, Close3Mo / close 3 months ago} set{3Months, Ratio3Mo * 100} set{1and2Mo, 1Month + 2Months} set{1and2and3Mo, 1and2Mo + 3Months} set{Avg123Months, 1and2and3Mo / 3} apply to symlist Nasdaq 100 close > 25 close < 300 and add column 1Month and add column 2Months and add column 3Months and add column Avg123Months --- for LONGs only... add the following below close < 300 RSI(2) is BELOW 15 for SHORTs only... add the following below close < 300 RSI(2) is ABOVE 85